This past week, students in US History 1 researched abolitionists and created a biography of them on posters!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
us history
us history
us history
us history
Mrs. Travers has been working with students in the greenhouse to plant their own flowers and herbs. They will care for them weekly until they are ready to take home!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
agricultural club
Technology Student Association: On Saturday, students from the Technology Student Association (TSA) competed against students from around the state to show their prowess in technological topics! They competed in diverse subjects, and Scituate students took home several medals in different topics! The following were podium finishers in this competition: First Place: Jessica Adams (Structural Design & Engineering) Michael Angelotti (Senior Solar Sprint) Norah Clarke (Audio Podcasting) Stephen Cronan (Senior Solar Sprint) Max Jackson (Video Game Design) Emerson Medici (Audio Podcasting) Bryce Edwards (Senior Solar Sprint) Aiden Ouillette (Senior Solar Sprint) Finn Wilkie (Video Game Design) Second Place: Mason Hillis-Piecyk (Flight Endurance) Nick Lupino (Technology Bowl, Animatronics) Simona Mancini (Technology Bowl, Animatronics) Gio Verducci (Technology Bowl, Animatronics) Third Place: Brendan Mowry (Webmaster) Congratulations to all!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
Scituate Spartans raised over $3000 for the RI Special Olympics at the Polar Plunge on Saturday! These brave high school and middle school students jumped in the freezing ocean with rain, hail, and 32-degree weather!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
RI Special Olympics Polar Plunge
RI Special Olympics Polar Plunge
RI Special Olympics Polar Plunge
Congratulations to Simona Mancini for winning the state-level NAWIC architectural competition! She was tasked to design a seven-story combination gymnastics training center, mall, apartment building, and parking garage. She added many flourishes, some subtle, like fireproof insulation, and others more bombastic, such as a rooftop garden and common courtyard. Her submission now gets forwarded for consideration on the New England regional level, and we are wishing her good luck!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
Simona Mancini Work
Simona Mancini Work
Simona Mancini Work
Over the weekend, our high school band had fun performing at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
High School Band
High School Band
In our Computer Integrated Manufacturing class, our students continue to cycle through self-paced learning stations. The stations that were active this past week were computer-controlled milling, MIG welding, oxy-acetylene cutting, and sheet metal fabrication!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
computer integrated manufacturing
computer integrated manufacturing
Congratulations to Jason Bettez and Deedee Marzini on being nominated for a “Student Spartan Award.” Students are recognized by teachers and staff for their involvement with something positive for the school culture and community! Jason and Deedee will be entered into a raffle for a Cold Brook Cafe gift certificate.
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
Student Spartan Award
Students in our Biomedical Innovations class have been testing water samples for the presence of toxic chemicals. They are working on the 4th mission for Biomedical Innovations where they assume the role of an environmental scientist and try to figure out what is making our fictional "Williams family" sick.
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
Biomedical Innovations
Biomedical Innovations
Students in physical science investigated the law of conservation of energy. They used the CPO rollercoaster to collect times and calculated kinetic and potential energy at various points along the track!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
science class
science class
last week's lesson in the International Foods classes was how to prepare Empanadas! Students prepared the dough one day and then made the filling and assembled them the next.
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
international foods class
international foods class
international foods class
Before winter break, thanks to Sergeant Parenti, the Working With Children class visited North Scituate Elementary School first grade. The high school students planned a lesson and activities on friendship. We thank the first grade teachers for allowing the students this great experience!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
Education Pathway
Education Pathway
Education Pathway
last week, International Foods classes prepared pot stickers, making their own dough and filling. They were a favorite of many!
11 months ago, Scituate School Department
international foods
Wow! Our Spartans in our Introduction to Computer Imaging class are super talented! Take a look at these amazing works of art.
12 months ago, Scituate School Department
computer imaging
computer imaging
computer imaging
Congratulations to our Wreslters!! We had six SHS girls compete in the RIIL’s inaugural state championship meet last week and five of them placed in the top four of their weight classes! Our boys also placed third in their meet on February 24th at the Providence Career & Technical Academy!
12 months ago, Scituate School Department
Students in Introduction to Engineering Design have been using their skills learned in Computer-Aided Design to build a stand for their cell phone that allows the operator to watch it in landscape mode! Students use a technique known as "parametric modeling" where dimensions are expressed as variables to be determined later, creating a model that can adapt to many different circumstances. In this case, the models were built without knowing the size of the phone to be mounted or the thickness of the material the stand would be built from. By using parametric modeling, students could quickly adapt their model from one phone to the next, or from 2 mm acrylic to 1/8 inch plywood!
12 months ago, Scituate School Department
Engineering Students
Interested in learning more about building updates? In this short video, Superintendent Laurie Andries discusses recent building updates and plans.
12 months ago, Scituate School Department
School Talks
Congratulations to the members of Scituate High School HOSA-Future Health Professionals who participated in the 8th annual State Leadership Conference on Friday! Several students were awarded medals for their competitive events, earning them a place to compete at the International Leadership Conference this year in Houston, Texas. Amazing job Spartans!
12 months ago, Scituate School Department