"Being such a small school, there are so many opportunities that are available, that I'm sure a much larger school would not have. Even just being able to have a closer relationship with your teachers, and being able to go up to them at any time if you need help is an opportunity that sets Scituate apart."
-Domenic Macrae
Class of 2024
Domenic Macrae
Elementary School: Hope Elementary School
Post-High School Plans: I plan to study Wildlife Biology and Conservation at the University of Rhode Island.
Dream Job: My dream job is something that I wake up every day and look forward to doing. I'm not sure what it will be but as long as I am happy in what I am doing, that is all I can ask for.
Who was your favorite teacher or staff member during your time at SHS?: It's hard to pick just one teacher or staff member because there have been so many who have helped me and impacted me over the past four years. The first name that immediately comes to mind is Mr. Ballou. Mr. Ballou has taught me so much not only about business or psychology but also many ways to help me out in my life. He allowed me to be a part of the broadcasting club and DECA which is one of the best things I think I have decided to join. Mr. Ballou taught me to open up and better myself through his endless stories and somehow endless knowledge of even the most random things. I do not believe I would be the person I am today without him. Mr. Ballou is not only the most giving teacher I have ever met but also the most giving person. I remember one time in his Economics class, I asked him where I could find milk crates to store my vinyl records, and the next day he handed me a milk crate along with some extra records just to be nice. Mr. Ballou went out of his way to help me out, and Mr. Ballou, if you are reading this, I want to thank you so much.
What was your favorite class you took during your time at SHS?: Similarly to the favorite teacher question, there are so many classes that come to mind, but over the past four years, I think one stood out among the rest. I would have to say my favorite class has been my junior year Chemistry class with the one and only Doc. I liked this class so much because, although it was hard, Doc made sure that he did all he could to help every student understand the material.
What advice would you give to next year’s ninth-grade students?: If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to try as many new things as possible in your high school years. This is the time to figure out things you like and step out of your comfort zone. Even if it's as simple as you don't like speaking aloud, try going first for a presentation. Anything you can do to expand your comfort zone, just give it a try.
What makes SHS special?: Being such a small school there are so many available opportunities that I'm sure a much larger school would not have. Even just being able to have a closer relationship with your teachers and being able to go up to them at any time if you need help is an opportunity enough to set Scituate apart.
What will you miss the most about SHS? : I think the thing I will miss most about Scituate is being a part of the Boy'sVolleyball team.